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Greg Bryant on NPR

Prof Greg Bryant in NPR on August 27, 2012: http://www.npr.org/2012/08/26/159998889/a-pachyderms-ditty-prompts-an-elephantine-debate

Greg Bryant in the News

From the UCLA Newsroom – Dissonant music brings out the animal in listeners, says UCLA researcher: http://newsroom.ucla.edu/portal/ucla/dissonant-music-brings-out-the-234656.aspx

Startup UCLA in the News!

Today’s Daily Bruin has a really positive article about the Division of Social Sciences’ Startup UCLA initiative (started right here in Comm Studies last year). The deadline to apply to the […]

Michael Suman in the News

From the news blog: Study by the MITRE Corporation finds that men and women communicate differently online — its computers correctly guess gender 75 percent of the time. This confirms […]

Barry Sanders in the News

Barry Sanders has written the Feature Article (“Sport as Public Diplomacy”) for the Center for Public Diplomacy’s PDiN (Public Diplomacy in the News) Monitor.Read the full article here: http://uscpublicdiplomacy.org/index.php/pdin_monitor/ article/international_sport_as_public_diplomacy/