COMM 126 – Evolution of Interpersonal Communication
Course Description
Lecture, four hours. Examination of current issues in interpersonal communication from perspectives of evolutionary psychology and biology. Topics include coevolution of signaler and receiver adaptations, nonverbal communication, courtship behavior, miscommunication between sexes, implied language use, and deception. Letter grading.
About Constance Bainbridge
Constance/Connie focuses on researching emotional expressivity and intrapersonal communication, or how we use communication-like behaviors to influence the self, actively process our perceptual experiences, and curate our qualia as part of the complex human consciousness system. These behaviors may be inclusive of many modalities, including inner monologues, journaling, imagining interactions, visualizations, and other mentalizations. Her ongoing dissertation work focuses primarily on streams-of-consciousness reported through typed and spoken language, analyzed through computational linguistic and temporal dynamics methods.