Fall Quarter Instruction Begins
If you are still looking for a class to take this fall, checkout the fantastic Communicatino Studies fall courses!http://www.registrar.ucla.edu/schedule/detmain.aspx?termsel=14F&subareas...
If you are still looking for a class to take this fall, checkout the fantastic Communicatino Studies fall courses!http://www.registrar.ucla.edu/schedule/detmain.aspx?termsel=14F&subareas...
If you are still looking for a class to take this summer, checkout the fabulous Communicatino Studies Summer Session Courses!
The following Communication Studies students will be presenting their work at the 2015 Undergraduate Research Week:Oral Presentations (Powell Library second floor):Nicole Nour: Friday, May 15 from 12:00-1:00pmYerin Yoon: Friday, May 15 from 12:00-1:00pmPoster Sessions (Powell Library rotunda):Omar Nieto: Thursday, May 14 from 12:00-1:00pmClick here for more information:
If you are still looking for a class to take this summer, checkout the fabulous Communicatino Studies Summer Session Courses!
UCLA Communication Studies BrownbagJohn ZallerProfessor, UCLA Political Science DepartmentLiberals and Conservatives disagree about almost everything.They say their views are due to ideology.What is Ideology?
UCLA Communication Studies BrownbagRamesh SrinivasanAssistan Professor, Information StudiesGlobal 'New' Media:Considering The Importance Of Culture InShaping Digital And Social Systems
UCLA Communication Studies Brownbag TalkRowell HuesmannProfessor of Communication Studies and Psychology, University of Michigan, Ann ArborWhy Those who Observe Violence Behave Violently
UCLA Communication Studies BrownbagEmily FalkAssistant Professor, Comminication Studies, University of Michigan, Ann ArborHow The BrainChanges Its Mind:Neural Prediction Of Behavior Change In Response To Persuasive Messages
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