Graduate Program

The Department of Communication offers Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) degree in Communication. We do not offer a terminal M.S. in Communication, although students can earn their M.S. while completing the requirements for a Ph.D. All graduate students entering the Department of Communication at UCLA are expected to complete the Ph.D.

Doctoral Degree

Master’s Degree

The M.S. degree is not a stand-alone, terminal degree. Students enrolled in the Ph.D. degree program may be granted a terminal M.S. degree if they do not complete the Ph.D. requirements and exit the program. To be granted the M.S. degree, students must complete all required courses for the Ph.D., and complete the second year research paper, approved by the student’s adviser and two additional ladder faculty members from the Department of Communication. If the student is continuing in the Ph.D. program, this degree is optional. See below for more details.