Gabe Jones

Gabe Jones

Gabe Jones


Office: 2332 Rolfe Hall

Phone: (310) 825-1703


Ph.D., Education (Social Sciences & Comparative Education), University of California, Los Angeles
M.A., English, Northwestern University
B.A., English and Philosophy, Northwestern University


My research interests focus on the intersections of power, knowledge, information, and communication - what constitutes knowledge, who gets to determine what counts as knowledge (and how and why), who has access to it, what channels enable or disable that access (and how they in turn influence understanding), and how each of those dimensions in turn shape our sense of self, our world, and our connections to others.

My most recent work explores the concept of “value” in higher education - how, over the past five decades, the U.S. has undergone a significant shift in our understanding of what college is “worth,” how that sense of worth has shifted from ethical, cultural, and intellectual values to return on investment, and in particular how political and media discourse has enabled that transformation.