Grace Qiyuan Miao
How do people form meaningful connections, both with other humans and with artificial intelligence? How does the brain distinguish between deep and shallow interactions? How can we better interpret human dynamics—neural, behavioral, and conversational—to inform practical interventions? Grace utilizes naturalistic experiments, computational methods, and qualitative conversation analysis to answer these questions.
Selected Publications
Miao, G.Q. & Stivers. T. (in press). Activity transitions and persuasion: Using growth charts in pediatric consultations. Discourse & Communication.
Miao, G.Q., Jiang, Y.J., Binnquist, A., Pluta, A., Steen, F.F., Dale, R., & Lieberman, M.D. (2024). A Deep Neural Network Approach for Integrating Neural and Behavioral Signals: Multimodal Investigation with fNIRS Hyperscanning and Facial Expressions. In L. K. Samuelson, S. Frank, M. Toneva, A. Mackey & E. Hazeltine (Eds.), Proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 5630-5638). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.
Miao, G.Q., Dale, R., & Galati, A. (2023). (Mis) align: a simple dynamic framework for modeling interpersonal coordination. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 18325.
Dale, R., Bainbridge, C., Jiang, Y., Lin, L., Miao, G.Q. & Rosen, Z. (under review). Bridging Cognition and Communication: Identifying Opportunities for Cross-Disciplinary Connections Using Scientometric Techniques.
Miao, G.Q.*, Lieberman, I.*, Binnquist, A., Pluta, A. & Dale, R. (in prep). Conversation depth and connection: An fNIRS study of neural synchrony in the default mode network.
Miao, G.Q., Pluta, A. & Lieberman, M.D. (in prep). Hyperscanning With Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) In Social Interaction Studies – Systematic Review and Best Practice Recommendations.
Miao, G.Q.*, Lee, A.J.*, Lu, H., Dale, R. & Galati, A. (in prep). Collaboration over time as Iterative Bayesian Inference within a Dynamical Systems Model.
Miao, G.Q., Cox, K. & Stivers. T. (in prep). Decoding Rapport Building: Risky Stance Taking Among Stranger Dyads.
Horton, C.J., Miao, G.Q., Walsh, L.C., Rodriguez, A. & Kaufman, V.A. (in prep). Best friends forever: predictors, correlates, and outcomes of best-friend selection in a large sample survey study.
Binnquist, A.L., Dolbier, S., Miao, G.Q., Dieffenbach, M., Tabak, B., Muldowney, S., & Lieberman, M.D. (in prep). Brain state dynamics of cross-ideological communication and interpersonal bonding.
Steen, F., DeLiema, D. & Miao, G.Q. (in prep). “Remember… you can always just”: Approaching the Zone of Proximal Development.