
Christy Bliss Ramos

Class of:


Current Occupation/Field of Work:

Associate Director of Development at UC San Diego

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Work Experience

Assistant Director of Development, Special Events, UC San Diego
Student Affairs Officer, Communication Studies Department, UCLA
High School Teacher, Whittier Union High School District
Communications Intern, Los Angeles Clippers

Why did you choose Comm Studies as your major?

I was intrigued by how something I had been doing my whole life could require so much time to actually get right. Besides, I also knew that a degree in CS would provide tremendous flexibility in terms of career choices. The curriculum was truly encompassing and spanned many fields-- from courses in legal communication, social media, advertising, and interpersonal communication! I also loved how intimate the program was. My graduating class was made up of less than 100 students which allowed me to really get to know my fellow classmates and professors on a more personal level.

Favorite UCLA memory and/or professor

By far, my favorite memory was serving on the Valedictorian Selection Committee for the CS commencement ceremony. It was during this time that I got to bond with what would become some of my absolute favorite ladies to date--Jane Bitar, Eugenie Dye, and my two classmates, Jennifer Brigham and Reia Davidson. We coined ourselves "The View" since we all came from such varied backgrounds and loved to have a good laugh while debating hot topics.

How has Comm Studies empowered you in your professional and personal life?

The CS major equipped me with the skills needed to effectively communicate and engage with people from a wide variety of backgrounds. I use my interpersonal communication skills throughout all aspects of my professional and personal life-- whether it's presenting development updates to a board at work, or even relaying a difficult message to a stranger on the street. Being an effective communicator is critical to success and the CS degree provided me with the tools needed to thrive in any environment.

What was the most valuable or applicable lesson you learned from a Comm Studies class?

My very first CS class was Intro. to Comm. Studies with Professor Suman. This course opened my eyes to the very interesting interpersonal side of communication studies. I still apply lessons learned from Deborah Tannen's "You Just Don't Understand" to my every day life. Who doesn't remember "genderlects" or "report-talk" versus "rapport-talk"? My relationships are definitely stronger as a result.

What advice would you give to a current Comm Studies student?

It's a very competitive world out there. Try to get as many resume-enhancing internships under your belt. Visit your professors during office hours. Some of my most interesting and intellectual conversations occurred during office hours. And, if you are able to, study abroad for a quarter!

Fun facts, interests, hobbies

I love to travel the world. My favorite place that I have visited to date is Koh Samui, Thailand (where I got engaged!). Some day, I would love to open up a boutique winery with my husband and family. We'd name it "Bliss Wines!" Until then, I am very content living in beautiful, sunny San Diego with my adorable husband.