Undergraduate Courses

Click here to see the current list of courses, both undergraduate and graduate classes offered by the department. Below, we include a list of all  lower and upper division undergraduate courses.

Major Preparation Course Descriptions (Lower Division)


Please note that all Comm major courses must be taken for a letter grade to receive credit.

Communication 1: Principles of Oral Communication. (Formerly Speech 1). Enforced requisite: satisfaction of Entry-Level Writing requirement. Examination of foundations of communication and public speaking. Consideration of number of basic theories related to study of communication and development of skills to enable composition and delivery of speeches in accordance with specific rhetorical concepts. Improvement of ability to analyze, organize, and critically think about communicative messages while becoming better equipped to articulate ideas.

Communication 10: Introduction to Communication. Introduction to fields of mass communication and interpersonal communication. Study of modes, media, and effects of mass communication, interpersonal processes, and communication theory.

Communication 19: Fiat Lux Freshman Seminars. Discussion of and critical thinking about topics of current intellectual importance, taught by faculty members in their areas of expertise and illuminating many paths of discovery at UCLA.

Communication 88: Sophomore Seminar. Limited to maximum of 20 students. Readings and discussions designed to introduce students to current research in discipline. Culminating project may be required.

Communication 89: Honors Seminar. Limited to a maximum of 20 students. Designed as adjunct to lower-division lecture course. Exploration of topics in greater depth through supplemental readings, papers, or other activities and led by lecture-course instructor. May be applied toward honors credit for eligible students. Honors content noted on transcript.

Communication 89HC: Honors Contracts. Limited to students in College Honors and departmental honors programs. Designed as adjunct to lower division lecture course. Individual study with lecture course instructor to explore topics in greater depth through supplemental readings, papers, or other activities. May be repeated for maximum of 4 units. Individual honors contract required. Honors content noted on transcript.

Communication 99: Student Research Program. Tutorial (supervised research or other scholarly work). Entry-level research for lower division students under guidance of faculty mentor. Students must be in good academic standing and enrolled in minimum of 12 units (excluding this course). Individual contract required; consult Undergraduate Research Center. May be repeated.


Anthropology 4 (formerly Anthro 33): Culture and Communication. Introduction to ways in which culture and communication shape each other, with emphasis on importance of language as a symbolic and practical guide to people’s behavior and understanding of each other’s actions. Topics include language socialization, cross talk, and verbal and nonverbal communication.


Economics 1: Principles of Economics. Not open to students with credit for course 100. Introduction to principles of economic analysis, economic institutions, and issues of economic policy. Emphasis on allocation of resources and distribution of income through the price system.

Economics 5: Introductory Economics. Not open to students with credit for course 1, 2, or 100. Principles of economics as tools of analysis. Presentation of a set of concepts with which to analyze a wide range of social problems that economic theory illuminates.


Linguistics 1: Introduction to Study of Language. Summary for general undergraduates, of what is known about human language: unique nature of human language, structure, universality, and diversity; language in its social and cultural setting; language in relation to other aspects of human inquiry and knowledge.


Philosophy 23: Meaning and CommunicationLecture, three hours; discussion, one hour. Theory of meaning and its relationship to philosophy more generally; nature, origins, and acquisition of language. Additional topics may include nonlinguistic and nonhuman systems of communication; theories of interpretation in law, literature, and art; use of theoretical terms in science.

Political Science

Political Science 30: Introduction to Political Economy. Introduction to political economy, especially application of economic reasoning to political and social phenomena.

Political Science 40: Introduction to American Politics. Basic institutions and processes of democratic politics. Treatment of themes such as constitutionalism, representation, participation, and leadership coupled with particular emphasis on the American case.

Program in Computing

Program in Computing 10A: Introduction to Programming. Basic principles of programming, using C ++; algorithmic, procedural problem solving; program design and development; basic data types, control structures and functions; functional arrays and pointers; introduction to classes for programmer-defined data types.

Program in Computing 10B: Intermediate Programming. Enforced requisite: course 10A. Abstract data types and their implementation using the C ++ class mechanism; dynamic data structures, including linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, and hash tables; applications; object-oriented programming and software reuse; recursion; algorithms for sorting and searching.

Program in Computing 10C: Advanced Programming. Enforced requisite: course 10B. More advanced algorithms and data structuring techniques; additional emphasis on algorithmic efficiency; advanced features of C ++, such as inheritance and virtual functions; graph algorithms.

Program in Computing 20A: Principles of Java Language with Applications. Enforced requisite: course 10B. Introduction to Java computer language. Class and interface hierarchies; graphics components and graphical user interfaces; streams; multithreading; event and exception handling. Issues in class design and design of interactive Web pages.

Program in Computing 20B: Advanced Aspects of Java Language with Applications. Enforced requisite: course 20A. Further aspects of use of classes, graphics components, exception handling, multithreading, and multimedia. Additional topics may include networking, servlets, database connectivity, and JavaBeans.

Program in Computing 40A: Programming for the Internet and Multimedia. Enforced requisite: course 10B. HTML, Perl language, programming for Common Gateway Interface (CGI), other scripting languages, XML and its derivatives, programming for multimedia.


Psychology 10: Introductory Psychology. General introduction including topics in cognitive, experimental, personality, developmental, social and clinical psychology


Sociology 1: Introductory Sociology. Survey of characteristics of social life, processes of social interaction, and tools of sociological investigation.


Statistics 10: Elementary Statistics. Prerequisite: three years of high school mathematics. Descriptive statistics, elementary probability, random variables, binomial and normal distributions. Large and small sample inference concerning means.

Major Requirement Course Descriptions (Upper Division)


Please note that all Comm major courses must be taken for a letter grade to receive credit.

Communication 100: Communication Science. Prerequisite: course 10 or Linguistics 1 or Sociology 1 or Psychology 10 or consent of instructor. Examination of fundamental principles in human communication science. Topics include models of communication, levels of analysis in the behavioral sciences, cultural evolution, new media and big data, political communication, and the nature of art.

Communication 101: Freedom of Communication. Analysis of legal, political and philosophical issues entailed in the rights of free expression, access to an audience, and access to information. Study of court decisions governing freedom of communication in the U.S.

Communication 102: Principles of Argumentation. Analysis of propositions, tests of evidence, and briefing. Study of hindrances to clear thinking, ambiguity of terms, and prejudices.  Critical analysis of selected argumentative speeches.

Communication 104: Rumors, Gossip, and Urban Legends in Journalism. Analysis of the creative relationship between fact and fiction – and vice versa – by using three distinct types of communication: rumor, gossip, and urban legends. 

Communication 105: Conspiracy Theories, Media, and Middle East. Background knowledge of Middle East not required. Through mass and digital media, conspiracy theories reshape politics and society around world. Although globally widespread, they find particularly fertile ground in Middle East. Definition, identification, and analysis of conspiracy theories as they appear in media of Muslim societies. Interdisciplinary approach to question of what conspiracy theories tell about relationship between media and society in Middle East. Case studies, such as conspiracies about 9/11, to be taken from Middle Eastern media sources in English translation.

Communication 106: Reporting America. Introduction to main western European and Middle Eastern news media, with materials in English. Exploration of how U.S. is represented in Europe, Middle East, Iran, and Afghanistan, with focus on three comparative case studies of Britain, Spain, and Germany. In-depth coverage of American news as reflected in Europe and Middle East.

Communication 107: Terrorism in Journalism. How do media outlets in Middle East represent Islamist terrorism? How do they describe, analyze, and comment on suicide attacks? Focus on Arab, Afghan, and Iranian media discussions of this phenomenon to explore evolution of meaning of terrorism in Muslim societies. P/NP or letter grading.

Communication 108: Communication and Identity. Study of relationships among communication, culture, and identity, and examination of ways in which texts (broadly construed) constitute experience, difference, and subjectivity. Focus on function of language, representation and meaning in construction of self, social collectives, and world views. Consideration of how communication is performative endeavor for humans seeking to construct identity. Students are prepared to describe and explain theories that detail performance as communicative form, analyze ways language and discourse function as texts that work to produce significant personal and social identities, and describe specific principles, motivations, and theoretical categories within interdisciplinary study of culture that produce identity.

Communication 109: Entrepreneurial Communication. Study of entrepreneurial communication from foundations in internal and external communication and development of data analysis, interpretation, and presentational skills utilized in existing, as well as in development of, contemporary innovative businesses.

Communication 110: Gender and Communication. Lecture, three hours. Exploration of the role and origins of gender differences in communication; focus on contexts such as family, romance, and the workplace; discussion of how the media influence conceptions of gender.

Communication 111: Conflict and Communication. Analysis of when and why conflict is prevalent in daily lives (including mass media) and how communication affects reactions to and consequences of conflict. Conflict is part of our evolutionary heritage. How well we handle various conflicts affects, to great degree, our success or failure wherever we interact with others, including intimate relations, school, and workplace.

Communication M113: Nonverbal Communication and Body Language. Examination of how various forms of nonverbal communication convey meaningful information to perceivers, with focus on both production and perception of multiple communication formats (e.g., affect expression of face and body, gesture, and kinematics), with strong emphasis on body language. Readings from variety of related fields.

Communication 114: Understanding Relationships. Explanation of types of communication that occur in close relationships, especially romantic relationships. In-depth coverage of variety of relationship topics, including intimacy, stages of intimate relationships, why we choose to get involved with some people as opposed to others, flirting, and self-disclosure.

Communication 115Interpersonal Dynamics. Survey of recent scientific approaches to dyadic communication and interpersonal relationships. Topics will include recent technological techniques for measuring and influencing dyads, including the role of peripheral devices, such as phones or other wearable devices. Dyadic processes considered will include influence, mimicry, leadership, active listening, and how findings apply beyond dyads, to teams.

Communication M117: Negotiation. (Same as Labor and Workplace Studies M117) Art and science of negotiation in securing agreements between independent parties. Theory and practice that underlies successful negotiation. Experiential course in which students learn broad array of negotiation skills, including identifying one’s own (and others’) communication style, identifying and incorporating components of successful negotiation, and resolving conflict between parties.

Communication 118: Language and Music. Cognitive science exploration of structure and evolution of language and music and their relationships to communication, cognition, and culture.

Communication 119: Voice and Its Perception. Focus on how human voice conveys information about speaker’s identity, physical characteristics, personality, and emotional state, and how listeners utilize this information to make judgments about speakers.

Communication 120: Group Communication. Examination of group communication from perspectives of evolutionary psychology, communications, and psycholinguistics. Topics include evolution of cooperation, ingroup and outgroup dynamics, gossip, music improvisation, and conversational behavior.

Communication 121: Communication Development. This course covers topics in the childhood development of human interpersonal communication, including the production and perception of communicative signals at different ages, methods for studying communication development, physiological and social mechanisms, cross-cultural similarities and differences in communication development, effects of media and technology, and disorders.

Communication 122: Visual Communication. Exploration of visual basis of communication through the study of social minds of infants, adults, and nonhuman primates.

Communication M123: Social Cognition. Survey of research from field of social cognition, with emphasis on understanding cognitive processes involved in interpersonal and intergroup communication. Topics include attention, interpretation, evaluation, judgment, attribution, and memory processes. Consideration of both controlled and automatic processes. Discussion of roles of motives, goals, and affective variables.

Communication M125: Talk and Social Institutions. (Same as Sociology CM125) Designed for juniors/seniors. Practices of communication and social interaction in a number of major institutional sites in contemporary society. Setting varies but may include emergency services, police and courts, medicine, news interviews, and political oratory.

Communication 126: Evolution of Interpersonal Communication. An examination of current issues in interpersonal communication from the perspectives of evolutionary psychology and biology. Topics include the co-evolution of signaler and receiver adaptations, nonverbal communication, courtship behavior, indirect speech, and deception.

Communication M127: Animal Communication. (Same as Applied Linguistics CM127/CM292 and Anthropology M127) The evolution, functions, design, and diversity of animal communication systems, such as bird song, dolphin calls, whale song, primate social signals and human language.

Communication 130: Science of Language. Introduction to scientific foundations of psycholinguistics, and connections to applied issues in communication. Survey of various scientific methods, and how they are applied to key issues in language and communication. Discussion of how we can measure meanings of words, complexity of sentences, and study of how these are processed (and produced) during communication. Includes some hands-on exercises, including learning some scientific tools that can be used both in future research and in field.

Communication 131: Computer Models of Communicators. Introduction to using computerized methods to model communication processes. Survey of various computational methods, and how to apply these in hands-on exercises. Exercises help setup small-scale simulations of communicators on personal computers. Covers computer models for individual communicators, dyads, groups, and collective (mass) systems.

Communication 132: Multicultural Television. Critical evaluation of television programming and scholarly research of new developments in television. Student participation in course discussions, papers, and presentations will apply research findings to real world contexts.

Communication 140: Theory of Persuasive Communication. Dynamics of communication designed to influence human conduct; analysis of structure of persuasive discourse; integration of theoretical materials drawn from relevant disciplines of humanities and social sciences.

Communication 141: Films of Persuasion: Social and Political Advocacy in Mass Society.  Films often provide commentary about public issues. Examination of how films communicate to large audiences about history, society, and politics. Critical evaluation of these works to understand power and limitations of films as social persuasion.

Communication 143: Rhetoric of Popular Culture.  Rhetorical approach to study of U.S. popular culture. Examination, both at theoretical level and through specific case studies, of ways in which popular cultural texts perform rhetorically to influence political and social struggles shaping everyday life. How do particular artifacts or communicative texts constitute source for (re)negotiation of cultural meanings as well as greater understanding of ways language functions as vehicle for human action. Letter grading.

Communication M144A-M144B: Conversational Structures I,II. (Same as Sociology CM124A-CM124B)
M144A. Introduction to some structures that are employed in organization of conversational interaction, such as turn-taking organization, organization of repair, and some basic sequence structures with limited expansions.
M144B. Consideration of some more expanded sequence structures, story structures, topical sequences, and overall structural organization of single conversations.

Communication 145: Situation Comedy and American Culture. Historical analysis of sitcom genre from its beginning in late 1940s to present. Investigation of how sitcoms have influenced American life and culture and how American life and culture have influenced sitcoms. Exploration of issues of family, race and ethnicity, class and economy, gender roles, and political culture.

Communication 146: Evolution of Mass Media Images. Analysis of evolutionary psychology as basis for images selected by media portraying women and/or minorities in entertainment, advertising, and informational communication.

Communication M147: Sociology of Mass Communication. (Same as Sociology M176) Studies in relationship between mass communication and social organization. Topics include history and organization of major media institutions, social forces that shape production of mass media news and entertainment, selected studies in media content, and effects of media on society.

Communication 148: Integrated Marketing. Marketing, Advertising, and Behavior from the viewpoint of evolutionary psychology and biology. Includes analysis of motives, patterns of consumption, current marketing strategies and marketing myths, and the contents and effectiveness of advertising.

Communication M149: Media: Gender, Race, Class & Sexuality. (Same as Women’s Studies M149 and Labor and Workplace Studies M149) Communication and Women’s Studies majors. Examination of manner in which media culture induces people to perceive various dominant and dominated and/or colonized groups of people. Ways in which women, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, racial, and ethnic marginalized peoples, class relations, and other subaltern or subordinated groups are presented and often misrepresented in media. Investigation and employment of practical applications of communications and feminist theories for understanding ideological nature of stereotyping and politics of representation through use of media, guest presentations, lectures, class discussions, and readings. Introduction to theory and practice of cultural studies.

Communication 150: Methodologies in Communication Research. Analysis of quantitative and qualitative methodologies in communication research.

Communication 151: Computer-Mediated Communication. Examination of how computer technology, particularly the Internet, has influenced patterns of human communication. History and distinctiveness of computer-mediated communication (CMC.) CMC’s influence on modern economic, political, and social interaction.

Communication 152: Analysis of Communication Effects. Prerequisite: course 100 or consent of instructor. Survey of experimental and field research on effects of communications. Study of source, message, and environmental factors affecting audience response.

Communication 153: Introduction to Data Science. Prerequisite: one course from Computer Science 31, 32, Program in Computing 10A, 10B with grade of C or better, or equivalent. Examination of how large-scale data can be used to systematically measure various aspects of human activities. Review of series of computational and statistical methods which enable scalable analysis and cost reduction. Students learn to interpret and understand research findings and implications from published work. Review of ethical issues in data science, such as privacy and model biases. Investigation of limitations and risks of current methods. Discussion of various ways to improve transparency and accountability of data-driven research.

Communication 155: Artificial Intelligence and New Media. Review of origin and modern development of artificial intelligence (AI) and its recent breakthroughs, with special emphasis on its usages of media industry (personalization, recommendation, and target advertising). Study includes technical merits and controversies such as ethical and moral issues of AI, privacy concerns in data collection, and fair use of AI in general.

Communication 156: Social Networking. Investigation of how new online social networks have facilitated interpersonal interactions for knowledge sharing, romance, business, politics, and entertainment.  Critical investigation of current popular social networking websites (e.g., Facebook, MySpace, Friendster, You Tube) through social network analysis and other social science research methods.

Communication 157: Celebrity, Fame, and Social Media. Analysis of how following the personal lives of media created celebrities impacts self-esteem, connectedness, and personal relationships from cultural studies an social science perspectives, and how entities cultivate celebrity for financial gain.  Topic areas include celebrity gossip and privacy, news sharing, public relations, and the impact of social media on fan support, image construction, and damage control.

Communication 158: Python for Social Sciences.  This beginner-friendly course delves into the practical applications of Python in social sciences. Ideal for processing large datasets and automating tasks, Python’s versatility extends to visualization and artificial intelligence. Students will learn the basics of Python coding, and focus on the essential Pandas library for data analysis. The course adopts a project-oriented approach, allowing direct application of skills in social science scenarios. Additionally, students will explore using ChatGPT to accelerate their coding learning process.

Communication 159: Artificial Intelligence and Society. Impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on society is growing rapidly. Exploration of questions of what if superhuman AI is achieved, will it free humans from tedious jobs or cause mass unemployment, and how to guarantee AI safety so that it will not annihilate human civilization.

Communication 160: Political Communication. Study of nature and function of communication in the political sphere; analysis of contemporary and historical communications within established political institutions; state papers; deliberative discourses; electoral campaigns.

Communication M161: Electoral Politics: Mass Media and Elections (Same as Political Science M141D) Prerequisite: course 160. Assessment of manner in which Americans’ political beliefs, choices, and actions are influenced by mass media presentations, particularly during election campaigns. Topics include processes of political attitude formation and change, different types of media “effects,” and role of the media in the American political process.

Communication 163: Public Diplomacy: Communicating U.S. Ideas to Foreign Citizenry. Exploration of relationship of communications techniques, power, and principles in connection with U.S. efforts to project ideas to foreign publics in 20th and 21st centuries. Discussion of intersection of foreign relations, public relations, journalism, and other forms of communication.

Communication M165: Agitational Communication (Same as Labor and Workplace Studies M175). Theory of agitation; agitation as a force for change in existing institutions and policies in a democratic society. Intensive study of selected agitational movements and the technique and content of their communications.

Communication 166: Inside Hollywood. Identification of how motivation and creativity interact with business interest, research, and policies in producing entertainment for the media market.

Communication 168: Communication and Media Law.  This course focuses on a sample of the most important intersections between law and communication:  copyright, trademarks, freedom of speech, privacy, secrecy, surveillance, and publicity rights.

Communication M169: Critical Vision: History of Art as Social and Political Commentary. (Same as Honors Collegium M179) Seminar, three hours. Study of tradition of visual arts (painting, graphic art, photography, sculpture) as vehicles for social and political commentary.

Communication 170: Legal Communication. Study of trial and appellate processes as systems of communication. Analysis of elements of the juridical process as they affect the quality of communication content. Study of rules of evidence, jury behavior, and structure of legal discourse.

Communication 171: Theories of Freedom of Speech and Press. Requisites: course 101 or consent of instructor. Exploration of relationship between the freedoms of speech and press and values of liberty, self-realization, self-government, truth, dignity, respect, justice, equality, association and community. Study of the significance of these values examined in connection with issues such as obscenity, defamation, access to the media, and control of commercial, corporate, and government speech.

Communication 173:  Affect and Emotion in Political Communication. There is a growing body of work in political communication that emphasizes the importance of affect, emotion and personality in politics. Our sensitivity to threat or disgust; our reactions of fear, or anger, or happiness; our tendency to focus more on negative than on positive information.  Each of these can impact the way we feel about candidates, and our positions on a wide range of domestic and foreign issues. Of course, many of these feelings are in reaction to mass-mediated information; and changing media technologies likely increases the volume of affective or emotional content reaching the public. This course reviews recent work on these themes, drawn from both media psychology and political communication.

Communication 174: Entertainment and Politics. Research in political communication often focuses on news coverage. Our ideas about the world around us do not just come from news content, however  we are affected by a wide range of entertainment media as well. This course considers how changes in media technology have increasingly broken down the division between ‘news’ and ‘entertainment,’ and it reviews work on the impacts that entertainment- focused media including television shows, movies and music have on our political preferences.

Communication 175: Criticism and the Public Arts. Introduction to methods and problems of criticism in the public arts. Study of several types of critical methods: formalistic, analogue, pragmatic, and aesthetic criticism. Topics include definition of art and criticism, aesthetic media, genre and resources of film, television, theater and public discourse, varieties of critical methods, problems of critical judgment.

Communication M176: Visual Communication and Social Advocacy. (Same as Labor and Workplace Studies M176) Visual communication reaches diverse audiences in communicating major social and political topics. Cartoons, posters, murals, and documentary photography have had a powerful world impact. Survey of all four genres of visual communications as features of modern mass media.

Communication 178: Propaganda & the Media. Examination of the nature of propaganda, the institutional structure of the American media, and the relationship between propaganda and the American news media. The course looks at the history of propaganda in America (from the World War I era forward), competing theories of democracy and the media, and the role of corporations in propaganda and news.

Communication 179: Images of the USA. Awareness of the United States’ international role necessitates a clear understanding of the way our nation is perceived by others. An exploration of the roots of the USA’s images in the minds of people abroad. Analysis of influences contributing to the images and the ways in which the images affect practical matters.

Communication 182: Non Verbal Communication in Architecture. Considers how elements of design and style of buildings in architectural history send messages to viewers and users of buildings.

Communication 185: Field Studies in Communication (2 to 4 units, maximum of 8 units) Designed for juniors/seniors.  Fieldwork in communication. Students participate in two-hour seminar sessions and spend seven hours in approved community settings each week for each two units of credit. May be repeated for a maximum of eight units.

Communication 186: Media, Ethics, and the Digital Age: A Case-Study Approach (formerly Comm 188A)To publish or not to publish? Course tackles questions of media ethics–and ethics more broadly–using case-study method to debate pressing issues from actual newsrooms. Students participate in Socratic discussion of fairness, bias, and personal and societal implications of the printed, broadcast, and digitized word.

Communication 187: Ethical and Policy Issues in Institutions of Mass Communication. Intensive examination of ethical and policy issues arising from interaction of media institutions (print, film, broadcasting, and new technologies) and societal institutions (Congress, federal agencies, courts, the Presidency, schools, churches, political action groups, advertisers, and audiences.)

Communication 188A: Variable Topics in Mass Communication. Lecture, three hours. Selected Topics. Consult Schedule of Classes for topics to be offered in a specific term.

Communication 188B: Variable Topics in Interpersonal Communication. Lecture, three hours. Selected Topics. Consult Schedule of Classes for topics to be offered in a specific term.

Communication 188C: Variable Topics in Communication Technology and Digital Systems. Lecture, three hours. Selected Topics. Consult Schedule of Classes for topics to be offered in a specific term.

Communication 188D: Variable Topics in Political and Legal Communication. Lecture, three hours. Selected Topics. Consult Schedule of Classes for topics to be offered in a specific term.

Communication 189: Advanced Honors Seminars. Limited to 20 students. Designed as adjunct to undergraduate lecture course. Exploration of topics in greater depth through supplemental readings, papers, or other activities and led by lecture course instructor. May be applied toward honors credit for eligible students. Honors content noted on transcript.

Communication 189HC: Honors Contracts. Tutorial. Limited to students in College Honors and departmental honors programs. Designed as adjunct to upper division lecture course. Individual study with lecture course instructor to explore topics in greater depth through supplemental readings, papers, or other activities. May be repeated for maximum of 4 units. Individual honors contract required. Honors content noted on transcript.

Communication 191A: Variable Topics Research Seminars: Mass Communication. Seminar, three hours. Selected Topics.  Consult Schedule of Classes for topics to be offered in a specific term.

Communication 191B: Variable Topics Research Seminars: Interpersonal Communication. Seminar, three hours. Selected Topics.  Consult Schedule of Classes for topics to be offered in a specific term.

Communication 191C: Variable Topics Research Seminars: Communication Technology and Digital Systems. Seminar, three hours. Selected Topics. Consult Schedule of Classes for topics to be offered in a specific term.

Communication 191D: Variable Topics Research Seminars: Political and Legal Communication. Seminar, three hours. Selected Topics. Consult Schedule of Classes for topics to be offered in a specific term.

Communication 191E: Variable Topics Research Seminars: Practicum. Seminar, three hours. Selected Topics. Consult Schedule of Classes for topics to be offered in a specific term.

Communication 194: Research Group Seminar. Discussion of research methods and current literature in the field of Communication or discussion of faculty’s or student’s own research.

Communication 198 A, B ,C: Honors Research.
198A. Requisites: courses 10, 150. Limited to junior/senior majors. Development of comprehensive research project under direct supervision of faculty member.
198B. Requisite: course 198A. Continuation of work initiated in course 198A. Presentation of summary of data gathered on relevant progress to supervising faculty member.
198C. Requisite: course 198B. Completion of research developed in courses 198A, 198B. Presentation of honors project to supervising faculty member. Individual contract required.

Communication 199: Directed Research. Supervised individual research or investigation under guidance of a faculty mentor.


Anthropology 135A: Introduction to Psychological Anthropology: Historical Development. Prerequisite: course 9 or consent of instructor. Survey of the field of psychological anthropology, with emphasis on early foundations and historical development of the field. Topics include study of personality, pathology and deviance, altered states of consciousness, cognition, motivation, and emotion in different cultural settings.

Anthropology 135B: Introduction to Psychological Anthropology: Current Topics and Research. Prerequisite: upper division standing or consent of instructor. Survey of the field of psychological anthropology, with emphasis on current topics and research. Topics include study of personality, pathology and deviance, altered states of consciousness, cognition, motivation, and emotion in different cultural settings.

Anthropology M140: Language in Culture. (Same as Linguistics M146) Prerequisite: upper division standing or consent of instructor. Study of language as an aspect of culture; the relation of habitual thought and behavior to language; and language and the classification of experience. Holistic approach to study of language, with emphasis on relationship of linguistic anthropology to fields of biological, cultural and social anthropology, as well as archaeology.

Anthropology 141: Ethnography of Everyday Speech. Prerequisites: course 33, upper division standing or consent of instructor. Course has two interrelated objectives: to introduce students to ethnography of communication — description and analysis of situated communicative behavior — and the sociocultural knowledge which it reflects and (2) to train students to recognize, describe and analyze the relevant linguistic, proxemic and kinesic aspects of face-to-face interaction.

Anthropology 142A-142B: Microethnography of Communication. Course 142A or Sociology CM124A or consent of instructor is prerequisite to 142B. Students make primary records (sound tape, videotape or film) of naturally occurring social interactions, which are analyzed in class for the interactive tasks, resources and accomplishments displayed. Laboratory and fieldwork outside of class and minimal fees to offset costs of equipment maintenance and insurance required.

Anthropology 142B: Human Social Ethology. See Anthropology 142A.

Anthropology M145: Afro-American Sociolinguistics: Black English. (Same as Afro-American studies M166) Basic information on Black American English, an important minority dialect in the U.S. Social implications of minority dialects examined from perspectives of their genesis, maintenance and social functions. General problems and issues in the fields of sociolinguistics examined through a case-study approach.


English 115A: American Popular Literature. Prerequisite: satisfaction of Subject A requirement. Study of main currents of popular and cultural taste as reflected in such genres as dime novels, detective fiction and Western stories.

Film & Television

Film/Television 108: History of Documentary Film. Philosophy of documentary approach in the motion picture. Development of critical standards and examination of techniques of teaching and persuasion used in selected documentary, educational and propaganda films.

Film/Television 116: Film Criticism. Study of and practice in film criticism.


 Linguistics 103: Introduction to General Phonetics. Prerequisite: one prior linguistics course or course 20 concurrently. Phonetics of a variety of languages and phonetic phenomena that occur in languages of the world. Extensive practice in perception and production of such phenomena.

Linguistics 170: Language and Society: Introduction to Socio-Linguistics. Prerequisite: course 20 or consent of instructor. Study of the patterned covariation of language and society; social dialects and social styles in language; problems of multilingual societies.


Philosophy 172: Philosophy of Language and Communication. Prerequisites: two relevant philosophy or linguistics courses or consent of instructor. Theories of meaning and communication; how words refer to things; limits of meaningfulness; analysis of speech acts; relation of everyday language to scientific discoveries.

Political Science

Political Science 114A: American Political Thought. Exposition and critical analysis of American political thinkers from the Puritan period to 1865.

Political Science 114B: American Political Thought. Prerequisite: course 114A or consent of instructor. Exposition and critical analysis of American political thinkers from 1865 to present.

Political Science 141A: Political Psychology. (Same as Psychology M138.) Lecture, three or four hours; discussion, one hour (when scheduled). Requisite: course 40. Designed for juniors/seniors. Examination of political behavior, political socialization, personality and politics, racial conflict, and psychological analysis of public opinion on these issues. P/NP or letter grading.

Political Science 141B: Public Opinion and Voting Behavior. Prerequisite: course 40. Study of character and formation of political attitudes and public opinion. Role of public opinion in elections, relationship of political attitudes to the vote decision, and influence of public opinion on public policy formulation.

Political Science 141C: Political Behavior Analysis. Lecture, three or four hours; discussion, one hour (when scheduled). Requisites: courses 6, 40, 141B. Designed for juniors/seniors. Advanced course in use of quantitative methods in study of political behavior, especially in relation to voting patterns, political participation, and techniques of political action. Students conduct computer-aided analyses of issues and problems treated in course 141B and similar courses. P/NP or letter grading.

Political Science 141E: Elections, Media, and Strategy. Lecture, three or four hours; discussion, one hour (when scheduled). Requisite: course 30. Designed for juniors/seniors. Analysis of elections and media, including game-theoretic analysis, Downs spatial model of elections, valence characteristics in elections, campaign finance, endogeneity problems in social sciences, liberal bias in media, industrial organization of news industry, and effects of media on voter decisions. May be applied toward Field III or V. P/NP or letter grading.

Political Science M142D: Understanding Public Issue Life Cycle. (Formerly numbered 142D.) (Same as Public Policy M127) Lecture, three or four hours; discussion, one hour (when scheduled). Recommended preparation: courses 10, 40, and one course from Economics 1, 2, 5, 11, 100, or 101. Examination of how public issue life cycle is shaped by (1) economic and political incentives of various actors–business, news media, mass public, organized interests, Congress, the president, regulatory agencies, and courts and (2) ideology, cognitive biases, and ethical reasoning.


Psychology 135: Social Psychology. Prerequisite: courses 10, 41, junior standing. Interrelationships between the individual and his/her social environment. Social influences upon motivation, perception, and behavior. The development and change of attitudes and opinions. Psychological analysis of small groups, social stratification, and mass phenomena.

Psychology 137C: Close Relationships. Prerequisites: courses 10, 41, 135. Examination of research and theory about friendship, dating, and marriage, with emphasis on how these relationships are affected by gender and changing sex roles.

Psychology M165: The Psychology of Gender. (Same as Women’s Studies M165) Consideration of psychological literature relevant to understanding contemporary sex differences. Topics include sex-role development and role conflict, physiological and personality differences between men and women, sex differences in intellectual abilities and achievement, and the impact of gender on social interaction.

Psychology 177: Counseling Relationships. Prerequisites: courses 10, 41, 127, junior or senior standing, and consent of instructor, or junior or senior psychology major standing. Conceptual and empirical foundations of psychological counseling; comparison of alternative models of counseling processes. Emphasis on counseling approaches in community mental health areas such as drug abuse, suicide prevention, and crisis intervention.

Psychology 178: Human Motivation. Prerequisite: upper division standing. Examination of theories of human motivation, experimental findings supporting the theories, and history of study of motivation. Topics include sociobiology, conflict, aspiration level, achievement strivings, and causal attributions.


Sociology 132: Social Psychology: Sociological Approaches. Survey of contribution of sociologists to theory and research in social psychology, including theories of social control; conformity and deviation; reference groups; and interaction process.

Sociology 133: Collective Behavior. Prerequisites: courses 1, 18 or equivalent, upper division standing. Characteristics of crowds, mobs, publics, social movements and revolutions; their relation to social unrest and their role in developing and changing social organization.

Sociology 134: Culture and Personality. Prerequisites: courses 1, 18 or equivalent, upper division standing. Theories of relation of variations in personality to culture and group life, in primitive and modern societies, and influence of social role on behavior.

Sociology 156: Ethnic and Status Groups. Characteristics of “visible” ethnic groups (e.g., Japanese, Mexican and black); their organization, acculturation and differentiation. Development, operation and effects of selective immigration and population mobility. Status of chief minorities in the continental U.S., with comparative materials from Jamaica, Hawaii and other areas.