Professor PJ Lamberson in the News!

(NPR) Wildfires continue to burn across Southern California, spurred on by high seasonal winds. Those fires and winds have spurred regional authorities to utilize technology as a warning system, sending alerts to millions of phones.The current limitations of the federally regulated Wireless Emergency Alerts system can make such warnings a little vague in messaging.Last night, at around 8:25 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, smartphones across Los Angeles blared with the klaxon sound that typically accompany an Amber Alert. The accompanying message read, “Strong winds over night (sic) creating extreme fire danger. Stay alert. Listen to authorities.”A screenshot of an emergency weather alert. – Jed Kim/MarketplaceMany of the message’s recipients were not in locations threatened by fire — one of the challenges associated with the alerts, according to emergency notification experts.“It is difficult to target, precisely, who’s going to get those alerts, because it is all based on where people are and which cell towers they’re connected to,” said Imad Mouline, chief technology officer for Everbridge, which makes mass-notification software.Mouline said the alerts system is beneficial in that it allows rapid dissemination of information, but limitations mean authorities have to be strategic in when and how they use it.“Today, you can only send out 90 characters,” Mouline said. “You can’t include links that can be clicked on. You can’t include images or any other information that might be richer.”He said proposals have been made to increase character limits but that in the meantime, agencies should be use multiple methods to share vital information with the public.The alerts could lose their impact if they are used too often, according to PJ Lamberson, an assistant professor at UCLA’s Department of Communications. Lamberson said authorities also have to weigh the risks of spreading false information or reinforcing rumors.Click here to read the full article.