COMM 140 – Theory of Persuasive Communication


Course Description

Lecture, four hours. Dynamics of communication designed to influence human conduct; analysis of structure of persuasive discourse; integration of theoretical materials from relevant disciplines of humanities and social sciences. Letter grading.

About Prof. Michael Suman

I have been a lecturer in the Department of Communication Studies since 1995. I received my B.A. from The Ohio State University and my Ph.D. in Sociology from UCLA. Prior to working for our department, I lectured at various locations and universities throughout Asia, and was the Project Coordinator for UCLA’s Television Violence Monitoring Project and Research Director for UCLA’s Center for Communication Policy. Since 2004, I have also served as Research Director of the USC Annenberg Center for the Digital Future.I have authored and edited numerous publications related to the impact of computers and the Internet on society. I have also published work on television violence, religion and the media, and advocacy groups and the media.

Michael W Suman


Micheal Suman, TA

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Summer Session C