COMM 182 – Non Verbal Communication in Architecture
Course Description
Lecture, four hours. Study of how elements of design and style of various buildings in architectural history send messages to viewers and users of such buildings. Letter grading.
Considers how elements of design and style of buildings in architectural history send messages to viewers and users of buildings.
About Prof. Barry Sanders
I am an international lawyer actively engaged in civic and cultural affairs, with a strong interest and expertise in how people communicate to achieve personal and community goals.
My leadership roles have included chairing the boards of the Los Angeles Philharmonic, Rebuild LA, the Recreation and Parks Commission of the City of Los Angeles, the Los Angeles Parks Foundation, the Coliseum Commission, the Los Angeles Public Library Foundation, the Southern California Committee for the Olympic Games, and the International Law Section of the California State Bar Association, among others. I also chaired the Los Angeles bid for the 2024 Olympic Games.
Currently, I serve on the boards of the League of American Orchestras, the Los Angeles Opera, the Special Olympics World Games, and the Los Angeles Sports Council. Additionally, I have been involved in international affairs as a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Pacific Council on International Policy.