Barry Sanders

Barry Sanders

Barry Sanders

Assistant Adjunct Professor

Office: 2317 Rolfe Hall

Phone: 310-825-5736

Curriculum Vitae


I am an international lawyer and am active in civic and cultural affairs, with an interest and expertise in how people communicate in order to achieve personal and community goals.

and cultural affairs, including chairing the boards of the Los Angeles Philharmonic, Rebuild LA, the Recreation and Parks Commission of the City of Los Angeles, the Los Angeles Parks Foundation, the Coliseum Commission, the Los Angeles Public Library Foundation, the Southern California Committee for the Olympic Games, and the International Law Section of the California State Bar Association, among others. I am chairing the Los Angeles bid for the 2024 Olympic Games. I also serve at this time as a member of the boards of the League of American Orchestras, the Los Angeles Opera, the Special Olympics World Games, and the Los Angeles Sports Council, in addition to past leadership of other civic and cultural organizations. In my engagement in international affairs I am a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Pacific Council on International Policy.


J.D., Yale
B.A., University of Pennsylvania

Selected Publications

The Los Angeles 1984 Olympic Games, (Charleston, S.C.: Arcadia Publishing, 2013)

American Avatar: The United States in the Global Imagination, (Washington, D.C.: Potomac Books, 2011)

“A Transformed Legal Profession Faces the Future: Barry A. Sanders on ‘The Lawyer Bubble’”, Los Angeles Review of Books, May 17, 2013, (

“Foreign Corrupt Practices Act—Antibribery Provisions,” in The Law of Transnational Business Transactions (Ved P. Nanda, ed.), (New York: Thomson Reuters, 2012)

“The Role of California in the 2012 Olympic Games,” PDiN Monitor, USC Center on Public Diplomacy, summer 2012 (…)

“Sport and Public Diplomacy,” PDiN Monitor, USC Center on Public Diplomacy, July/August 2011 (…)

“Sports and Public Diplomacy,” M/E Insights, Association of Media and Entertainment Counsel, fall 2010

“Olympic Dreams,” Los Angeles Times, September 20, 2005

“Perspective on Politics: It’s Recentering, Not a Rightward Tilt,” Los Angeles Times, January 23, 1995

“Dispute Settlement in International Trade Agreements,” in International Trade Basics, State Bar of California International Law Section, February 23, 1995

“Back to Basics on Enterprise Zones,” Los Angeles Times, June 18, 1993

Editor in Chief of California’s Jobs and Future, Council on Competitiveness of California, April 23, 1992

“Sample International Purchase Order Terms and Conditions,” Bankruptcy & Commercial Law Adviser, February 1989

“Sample International Purchase Order Terms and Conditions,” Corporate Counsel’s Quarterly, July 1989

“Distribution Issues: Pitfalls in Agency Relationships in the Pacific,” in Buying, Selling, and Manufacturing in the Pacific, American Bar Association Section of International Law and Practice, October 27, 1988

“Trade Agreements: Selected Issues for Negotiating Terms, including Issues of Payment, Countertrade, and the Use and Application of the International Sales of Goods Convention,” in Negotiating and Drafting International Commercial Contracts, American Bar Association Section of International Law and Practice, March 17, 1988

“The International Sale of Goods Convention,” Business Law News, State Bar of California Business Law Section, fall 1987

“Investments by Foreigners in U.S. Real Property,” in Current Problems in International Trade and Investment, California Continuing Education of the Bar, January/February 1985

“Preventing Wrongful Payment of Guaranty Letters of Credit—Lessons from Iran,” Business Lawyer, February 1984

“Sponsorship and Licensing: Legal Lessons from the 1984 Olympics,” Entertainment and Sports Lawyer, ABA Forum Committee on the Entertainment and Sports Industries, summer 1984

“The New Mexican Industrial Development Plan,” International Lawyer, 1980

“Book Review: Corporate Competition Law in the European Communities,” International Lawyer, winter 1979

“Interpretation and Liabilities,” in Proceedings of the Conferences on the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, Institute of Internal Auditors, Inc., October 1978

“Sectarian Books, the Supreme Court and the Establishment Clause,” 79 Yale Law Journal 111, 1969

Honors & Awards