Lynn Vavreck

Lynn Vavreck

Lynn Vavreck


Office: 4289 Bunche Hall

Phone: 310-825-4331

Personal Website

Curriculum Vitae


I work on whether political messages affect election outcomes and have written four books about campaigns. The latest is THE GAMBLE (Princeton University Press), which is about the 2012 presidential election. I’ve conducted advertising field experiments, run very large panel surveys, and collected passive-tracking data on people’s media exposure. I have watched every presidential campaign ad ever made and read every stump speech given from 1952-2000.


Ph.D., Political Science, University of Rochester
M.S., Political Science, University of Rochester
M.A., Political Science, Arizona State University
B.S., Political Science, Arizona State University


Campaigns; elections; public opinion; advertising; messaging; political communication

Selected Publications

Jackman, Simon and Lynn Vavreck. 2011. „Cosmopolitanism,‰ in Facing the Challenge of Democracy: Explorations in the Analysis of Public Opinion and Political Participation, Paul M. Sniderman and Benjamin   Highton, eds. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Iyengar, Shanto and Lynn Vavreck. 2012.  „Online Panels and the Future of Political Communication             Research,‰ in Sage Handbook of Political Communication, Holli Semetko, eds. New York: Sage   Publications.

Jackman, Simon and Lynn Vavreck. 2010. „Primary Politics: Race, Gender, and Age in the 2008 Democratic    Primary,‰  Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, and Policy 20:2, May, 153-186.

Trager, Robert F. and Lynn Vavreck. 2011. „The Political Costs of Crisis Bargaining: Presidential Rhetoric and the Role of Party,‰ American Journal of Political Science 55:3, 526-45.

Sides, John and Lynn Vavreck. 2013. The Gamble: Choice & Chance in the 2012 Presidential Election, NJ:        Princeton University Press.

Sides, John and Lynn Vavreck. 2012. The Gamble: The Hand You‚re Dealt; The Gamble: Random, or Romney?;    The Gamble: All In;  The Gamble: High Rollers.   Published as four separate e-books. NJ: Princeton         University Press.