William Kelly

William Kelly

William Kelly

Retired Lecturer

Curriculum Vitae


Since I lived in Japan for 19 years, my research originally dealt with U.S.-Japan relations. In recent years, I have examined the history and culture of China and of Islamic nations  as well as their attitudes toward modernity and the West.  I have also studied the philosophy of nonviolence as a means of dealing with intractable conflicts. An even more recent interest of mine has been terror management theory, a political psychology approach to intergroup communication that provides a broad perspective for understanding negative perceptions of those who are different.  In addition, I have investigated mindfulness as an important means of going beyond narrow and stereotypical perceptions of others.


Ph.D., Communication, University of New Mexico
Ph.D., Program in Philosophy, University of California, Berkeley
M.A., Philosophy, New York University
B.A., Philosophy, New York University

Selected Publications

Kelly, W., Masumoto, T., Gibson, D. (2002). Kisha kurabu and koho: Japanese media relations and public relations. Public Relations Review, 28, 265-281.

Kelly, W. (2008). Applying a critical metatheoretical approach to intercultural relations: The case of U.S.-Japanese communication. In Asante, M., et al., The global intercultural communication reader. Routledge.