Mario Biagioli
Distinguished Professor
Scientific communication; publication ethics and misconduct; science and technology studies; copyright law; media history; brands
Greg Bryant
Professor and Chair
Vocal communication; music; bioacoustics; cognitive science; evolution and human behavior
Steven Clayman
Conversation analysis; interaction in journalism and politics; interaction and social institutions
Rick Dale
Professor and Mark Allen Itkin Centennial Chair in Communication
Dynamical systems of interpersonal communication; computational modeling; naturalistic behavior; cognitive science
Rachit Dubey
Assistant Professor
Computational modeling; cognitive science; climate change; public policy
Dr. Dubey starts Fall 2025
Tao Gao
Associate Professor
Human social perception and cognition; development of artificial intelligence; intention recognition; statistical modeling in cognitive science
Tim Groeling
Media bias; presidential communication; party cohesion and the media; political communication
Martie Haselton
Intimate relationships; psychology of mating; social endocrinology; bias in social inference; sex differences; evolution and human behavior
Homa Hosseinmardi
Assistant Professor
Computational social science; statistical inference; technology and society; radicalization
Kerri Johnson
Professor and Associate Vice Chancellor for Faculty Development
Nonverbal visual communication; body motion analysis; social categorization; social vision
Jungseock Joo
Associate Professor
Artificial intelligence; deep learning; computer vision; human-AI interaction; social and political event analysis; visual persuasion; computational communication
Georgia Kernell
Associate Professor
Party strategy; voter behavior; electoral competition; political communication; US and comparative politics; formal theory; quantitative methods
Elisa Kreiss
Assistant Professor
Natural language processing, psycholinguistics, human-computer interaction, computational communication
PJ Lamberson
Associate Professor and Vice Chair
Mathematical and computational modeling; social networks; social influence; collective intelligence; computational communication
Stuart Soroka
Political communication; political behavior; political psychology; media effects; public opinion; public policy
Francis Steen
Associate Professor
Multimodal communication in mass media; advertising; entertainment; computational communication
Steve Stroessner
Stereotyping and prejudice; human and machine interaction; social cognition
Lynn Vavreck
Campaigns; elections; public opinion; advertising; messaging; political communication
Anne Warlaumont
Early vocal development; evolution of human vocal signals; word learning; computational communication